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Krummenauer Kontakt
Tel. +49 (6821) 105 0
Fax +49 (6821) 105 106
E-Mail: anlagenbau(at)


1925 Fondation of locksmithery in Neunkirchen by Hans Krummenauer
1930 Acquisition of premises Wellesweilerstraße
1934 Accomplishment of first tract: Wellesweilerstraße, 20 employees
1939 Machinery expansion, 70 employees
1945 Resumption of work, 10 employees, support of rebuilding (e.g. “Blies bridge” and “Bahnhof bridge”)
1946 Main manufacturing sector: Production of steel constructions for „Regie des Mines de la Sarre“, for Saarland companies and for Lorraine mines. Structural changes are necessary: Expansion of facilities, new building of a construction hall etc.
1947 Installation of own oxygen-producing-system initially for internal use. Because of high demand of the industry and the lack of oxygen, KRUMMENAUER sells oxygen to other companies, especially the Saar-mines, in order to prenvent loss of production.
1963 Change to GmbH (limited liability company), director Hans Krummenauer (founder)
1965 Johann Alfred Krummenauer (son of founder) becomes director
1971 Expansion of production hall and machinery, 49 employees, Margot Weber (daugher of founder) becomes announced bord member
1979 Acquisition of premises Blücherflöz on the former area of mine „König”
1982 Hans Krummenauer jun. (grandson of founder) is announced board member
1983 Construction of new production hall (industrial premises „Grube König“)
1991 KRUMMENAUER establishes subsidiary in Katowice, Poland
1994 Walter Hemmer is announced board member
2000 Company split up into „KRUMMENAUER Anlagenbau GmbH“ (mining technology, engineering) and „KRUMMENAUER Torbau GmbH“ (door- and gate technology, steel construction)
2006 Elmar Krummenauer (great-grandson of founder) is announced board member
2007 Strengthening of exports to China, Russia, Australia, South Africa and USA
2008 Krummenauer establishes subsidiary in Beijing, China
2008 Krummenauer establishes subsidiary in Novokuznetsk, Russia