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Krummenauer Kontakt
Tel. +49 (6821) 105 0
Fax +49 (6821) 105 106
E-Mail: anlagenbau(at)


Strong values and continuous devolopment are playing a major role in the company philosophy of KRUMMENAUER. Long-term customer and supplier relationships prove high standards in efficiency, innovation, safety and quality.

  1. Efficiency
  2. Only at first view efficiency is defined by purchasing prizes. KRUMMENAUER puts emphasis on a long term approach. Costs are defined over the whole life cycle of a product. Due to a sophisticated construction, our products reach high-level efficiency, durability and safety. Further they excel at low maintenance and easy repairability.

  3. Innovation
  4. KRUMMENAUER always aims to advance new technogolies, also if this requires to test unconventional methods. For our customers and us the past has proven that only constant advancements ensure long-time successes. Together with its customers KRUMMENAUER tackles the problems of mining .

  5. Safety
  6. According to very strict safety guidelines in German mining KRUMMENAUER products always fullfilled highest standards to prevent damage from man and machine. Proudly we can claim that safety is not expensive. However to reach this status our engineers had to apply a lot of experience, know-how and commitment. Our customers and their staff are very thankful today.

  7. Quality
    • Cerfified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
    • Cerfified according DIN EN 729-2
    • Contructor’s qualification for welding according to DIN 18800-7 class E with extension according to DIN 15018
    • Certified contractor according to § 19.1 WHG
    • European Welding Engineer
  8. KRUMMENAUER is certified according to following standards and guidelines:

KRUMMENAUER products fullfil ATEX requirements and engineering guidelines. Furthermore we impose highes product- and process quality standards on ourselves. Those are continuously controlled and adapted.