Characteristics, Safety

User-oriented characteristics:

KRUMMENAUER puts high emphasis on durability for the whole construction as well as in details. E.g. the complete water pipe system is available in corrosion-resistant material to ensure no need for maintenance. Especially for line cutting heads, which have to load the cutted mineral on the the conveyor, the wear protection ist very important. The parts of the head, which unterlie high abrasion (e.g. the pick blocks, the cutting head endings), are casted for durability. Thereby KRUMMENAUER cutting heads reach high levels in durability to ensure process stability for our customers.

Our products excel at low maintenance und repair requirements. E.g. the crown, a part with heavy abrasion, is optionally screwd and can easily be replaced.


KRUMMENAUER comes from the sophisticated German mining industry. The safety standards play a major role in German mines. KRUMMENAUER products are manufacured according to the latest safety standards and fulfill the mining machinery directives. Please find further information about explosion prevention here.